Friday, October 19, 2012

Walking Wool 2013 Calendar: Celebrating the Divine Ovine, Equipment - Halcyon Yarn, Quality and Value for Fiber Artists

Walking Wool 2013 Calendar: Celebrating the Divine Ovine, Equipment - Halcyon Yarn, Quality and Value for Fiber Artists: Sheep, sheep and more sheep! If you love sheep the Walking Wool 2013 calendar will help satisfy your need for sheep. Pictures of sheep heads and lambs. A year of fiber fun with sheep shots personally selected for Halcyon Yarn. Fiber festivals and special fiber events listed.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cacklefruit: Carrot Cake Quest -- thoughts from my client Culinary Underground on the perfect carrot cake

Cacklefruit: Carrot Cake Quest: I’m sitting at my dining room table in Victoria, blogging and watching the harbour tugs putt-putt up the waterway (note the spelling of h...