Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Catching Up While Snowed In

Considering the weather conditions of December and January, this has been a very good creative time to hole up indoors and generate many more ideas and tasks for my client projects: 
Culinary Underground School for Home Cooks
Worcester Animal Rescue League
Rainbow Child Development Center
and more.

A few highlights include:
The beginnings of a new website for WARL. Initial meetings with designer Sean Walsh produced this template which the Marketing Committee and Board were very happy to see and signed off on. Subsequently, Sean is setting up codes and the technical details, and Melanie Dulac, a staffer at WARL, and I are revising old website copy and generating new. We'll include photos from volunteers Lois Bourget and Jessica Walsh, and the gorgeous design look and feel from WARL's new brochure, courtesy of graphic Designer Alyson Lee. This is a very exciting and badly needed improvement.

Culinary Underground moved into the holidays with a very big bang. Appearances on The Hank Stolz Experience, sound bites in local papers, and the interest of the Boston Globe West were all good developments. We are touting the new Kitchen Corner retail store at the School, as well as speciality classes like Vegetarian Tuesdays and weekend Date Nights.  ShrewsburyPatch.com continues to publish the Food Tip of the Week that I prep for CU Chef Suzanne Johnson. And, I am reaching out to area colleges  to expand the constituent base. Clark University plans to come to a class soon, curious to see how they can teach their students SAFE cooking techniques in the housing units they have put so many resources into.

Rainbow Child Development Center hosted Girls' Night Out once again, this year at The Manor Restaurant in West Boylston. I assisted with event planning and production, publicity, and supervision the night of the event. Many terrific local vendors participated and showed attractive and diverse wares just in time for early holiday shopping. With live music, free personal pampering services such as chair massage and reflexology, guests were well cared for and seemingly content.

Also, I began to conduct research on creating a nonprofit entity for a client, which will have a strong community service mission. This is interesting and exciting from-the-ground-up creative thinking and planning, as well as an opportunity to speak with professionals in assorted fields.  More on this later, I'm sure.